Wooly Bully
[Originally posted at On The Nightstand on Wednesday, October 12, 2016 and titled Wooly Bully Wednesday 10/12/16]
Fur fashions through the decades.
Enjoying a cigar break while wearing bear skin overcoats. Iowa City, circa 1915.

James Liddell Luscombe photo
Czech Legion soldiers, dressed in Kirgis (Tartar) winter coats, guard captured Russian rail cars in 40° Fahrenheit below zero weather. Siberia, circa 1918-19.

Photographer unknown
Coats not needed when the snow is fake. Siberia, circa 1918-19.

Photographer unknown
Fetish wear lingerie. Paris, circa 1930-33.

Jean Moral photo of fetish wear for Diana Slip Lingerie. Photo cropped to make it safe for work
Fur bathing suit and coat. Las Vegas, 1950.

J.R. Wharton Eyerman photo for LIFE magazine. From Electronic Squid
65° Fahrenheit below zero. Siberia, 1964.

Mario de Biasi photo
Fur fashions through the decades.
Enjoying a cigar break while wearing bear skin overcoats. Iowa City, circa 1915.

Czech Legion soldiers, dressed in Kirgis (Tartar) winter coats, guard captured Russian rail cars in 40° Fahrenheit below zero weather. Siberia, circa 1918-19.

Coats not needed when the snow is fake. Siberia, circa 1918-19.

Fetish wear lingerie. Paris, circa 1930-33.

Fur bathing suit and coat. Las Vegas, 1950.

65° Fahrenheit below zero. Siberia, 1964.

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